Sunday, April 19, 2009

cherry blossom

the blossom
the pail petals
the pretty in pink the clusters
the cherry tree the pink and the blue

the late bloomer
the park
the lane
the line
the chase
the talk
the wait
the text

Cherry blossoms had reached their peak in its full blown petals on many streets and parks in Vancouver City and lower mainland, transforming the sky into a pink lace making the horizon an endless archway of blossoms. It’s absolutely spectacular!

Cherry blossom is the name of the flower of cherry trees. The flowers are nearly pure white, tinged with the palest pink, especially near the stem. I find the pink color so sweet and demure that it almost symbolizes feminine beauty, love and affection. Cherry blossoms are an enduring metaphor for the fleeting nature of life that’s because they bloom and usually fall within a week, before the leaves come out. The ephemeral nature of the blossoms remind us all to take time to celebrate and appreciate the gift of life now.

The first time I ever saw cherry blossoms, I thought I was seeing clouds tinted in pink. Coming from a tropical country, the Philippines, it was a whole new experience for me. I have always looked forward for cherry blossom every spring season and I have been dying to get that perfect shot. I had nine spring seasons already and I have yet to really nail the perfect cherry blossom photo. I have tried this season despite battling with this weather and the forecasts predictions, not to mention my own busy schedule.

I thought of going to VanDusen Botanical garden last weekend but the weather was not very good so I thought it might not be a good idea thinking it’s not worth the ride and visit. So, I decided to visit closer parks instead. I’ve encountered other photography enthusiasts too vying for the right angles and positions. Since there are so many tourists on the area whose main focus are on the blossoms, it’s difficult to take a perfect shot. One thing that I just have to embrace here in BC is the cloudy overcast skies. On second thought, overcast skies makes the color of a photo shot more intense.

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